Giraffe Facts For Kids Ages 3-5 “Do You Know Giraffes?” Non Fiction Picture Book



Giraffe Facts For Kids Picture Book Ages 3-5

In the Clouducated Giraffe Facts For Kids Book, Do You Know Giraffes?, your child will learn many new facts about giraffes.

  • Giraffes are taller than elephants: Giraffes are very tall! A giraffe has long legs and a long neck! A giraffe is the tallest animal on Earth with the longest tail! Giraffes are even taller than elephants! Giraffes are taller than every other animal that lives on the African savanna.
  • Giraffes eat leaves: A giraffe is so tall, it can reach into the tallest trees to eat leaves that other animals cannot reach. A giraffe wraps its long tongue around some leaves and pulls them into its mouth to eat. Acacia trees are its favorite meal.
  • Giraffes see danger: Because giraffes are so tall, they can see danger far off in the distance. Zebras like to stay close to giraffes. When giraffes run, they run too! A hungry lion may be hiding nearby!
  • Giraffes can run fast: Giraffes can run as fast as a horse for short distances. Besides running, a giraffe’s brown spotted coat helps it to blend in with the African savanna to hide from hungry lions.
  • Giraffes protect each other: Giraffes hang out with each other in a group, called a herd. They protect each other. When giraffes need a drink of water, other giraffes keep a lookout for hungry lions.
  • Giraffes talk to each other: Do giraffes make sounds? Yes, but not very often. Giraffes grunt, bellow, moo, snort, sneeze, hiss, cough, and snore.
  • Giraffes have babies: Giraffes get together to have babies. Baby giraffes are called calves. Mother giraffes have one calf at a time. A baby giraffe is able to walk right after it is born.

In Do You Know Giraffes? you will learn:

  • Giraffes Are Animals
  • Giraffes Are The Tallest Animal On Earth
  • Giraffes Can Reach Into Tall Trees For Food
  • Giraffes Have Long Tongues
  • Giraffes Eat Leaves And Branches
  • Giraffes Can See Far Off Into The Distance
  • Zebras Stay Close To Giraffes
  • Giraffes And Zebras Run From Hungry Lions
  • Giraffes Can Run Fast
  • Giraffes Travel Together
  • Giraffes Eat And Drink Together
  • Giraffes Talk To Each Other
  • Giraffes Have Babies
  • Mother Giraffes Feed Their Babies Milk
  • Baby Giraffes Are Called Calves

Get Our Giraffe Facts For Kids Picture Book Today!

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